Girls Grade 3-4



Preseason practices begin the first full week in March at Six Rivers Youth Sports in Topsham.  Preseason practices are held once per week for one hour.


After April vacation we practice twice weekly, with games typically played on either Saturday or Sunday. The competitive season spans roughly 6 weeks, and two games are usually played on each game day.

At this level we play a 8 v 8 format with goalie.


All girls’ eyewear must meet ASTM performance standard F3077 and be certified to be legal for play. Look for the SEI mark and check the SEI online listing for product certification.  A mouthguard and ladies stick are also required.  Gloves are recommended, but not required.  Jewelry cannot be worn on the field during practice or games. Long hair should be managed in a manner that keeps it away from the face and eyes.


This skill level of players in this program ranges from no experience at all to girls having played for several years. All are welcome. This level is about learning the game of ladies lacrosse. It’s about learning the basic stick handling skills, positioning on the field, offensive and defensive strategies and playing as a team. It’s also about having fun!